November 5, 2019
This week, the Globe & Mail featured MyHealthyGut for our dedication to providing accessible, research-backed, digestive health therapies with our innovative healthcare app. MyHealthyGut was created in collaboration with dietitians and other medical experts to enable people to make the lifestyle changes and dietary choices that can improve their well-being and outlook.
The article highlighted our comprehensive programs and resources, including: our pro-digestive, anti-inflammatory approach; the app’s gut health education section — equal to 350 pages of up-to-date and reliable evidence-based content; our journalling, symptom tracking, and reporting tools; our meal plans and recipes; and our interactive chat bot.It also drew attention to how MyHealthyGut, because of the data it generates, can serve to inform our overall understanding of gut health, and can be applied as an indispensable tool for not only patients, but for healthcare and health benefit providers, and researchers as well.
Read more at The Globe & Mail online.